

Jade Roller

Hello! Today I want to share this Jade Roller set by Diffmely. You can get it at Amazon. I have a couple of them with different shapes. But this set is great to use it every day. It is a good gift for Christmas. It comes with a catalog very complete with tips about skin:

1. About skin problems
2. Q&A about skin
3. Core raw materials
4. Intimate service
5. Dietary advice

If you want more information about the massages that I use send me a message to my Instagram account. You can find the link here in my blog in the right side. 

This set is very good to prevent fine lines, reduce inflammation in the mornings and the most important it helps ass a lymphatic drainage to reduce toxins in your face. To know how to apply the massage is the key to make it work. You don't have to apply a lot pressure. And the secret for a smooth and relaxing massage is to apply coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil. To avoid wrinkles. I'm very happy with my purchase. Not all the jades a made with real stones. 

For an extra help to reduce inflammation under your eyes you can place the kit in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes and then start the massage. It really helps believe me! I like to wash my face and the proceed with my face cream routine. I prefer to do the massage at night, because I have time and I can relax before sleep. But I use the roller in the mornings super fast before I apply the eye cream. 

Some people also use the roller to spread the cream in the face. i don't do that but maybe you like it. I absolutely recommend you to get this kit. Here is the link enjoy! : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QR8YJZ7

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