

Original Toe Juice

Hello everyone! This product works like magic. If you are all day standing or use a heels this is a must to have. It helps me to reduce the pain of my tired foot.

It also helps: soothe dry, itchy skin. Cools burning, sore feet day or night. Helps soften and improve the appearance of dry, rough skin spots. Helps eliminate foot odour in its tracks. Dries fast and leaves no oily or greasy residue. You can use it every day!

Toe Juice can be applied directly to the desired area, or can be applied with the use of an applicator such as a cotton ball or a cotton swab.

Immediately after applying Toe Juice w/ DermaVine, you will smell the alcohol base. Immediately after application the alcohol will evaporate, and you will smell the DermaVine left behind. It is a pleasant citrus-menthol like smell.

More information about the product

Toe Juice® w/ DermaVine® is very safe…safe for newborns, the elderly, pregnant and nursing women, diabetics, all ethnicities (does not bleach or lighten skin tone), cancer survivors, chemo-patients…safe for the skin, head to toe!

Toe Juice® w/ DermaVine was developed by a High School Chemistry Teacher for his infant son’s split, cracked feet. Doctors and pharmacists didn’t have a solution that worked, so he used a combination of well-known plant extracts to create the solution. Looking to avoid the messy, greasy issues of available creams, lotions, and salves, he pursued a liquid application. Toe Juice was developed and proved to be safe, effective and convenient! Used as a home remedy for 40 years!

What makes Toe Juice so effective is the liquid application and the DermaVine. To help understand the effectiveness of the liquid application, think about a time you have been really thirsty… thirsty enough to feel dehydrated and needing refreshment right now! Did you run to the refrigerator and pull out the mayonnaise and drink it? Probably not! We need liquids for the fastest hydration and refreshment. Our cells quickly absorb liquids. Yet when we have skin problems, the available solutions are lotions, creams, salves, and powders that mostly sit on top of the skin and cannot absorb quickly enough to be truly effective. Slopping these solutions on your skin is like trying to hydrate yourself after a marathon by drinking a quart jar of mayonnaise! Because Toe Juice is a liquid, our customers are amazed by how quickly Toe Juice absorbs into the skin, how refreshing it feels as it quickly hydrates, and how quickly their skin issues are resolved.

DermaVine is the proprietary blend of plant based extracts that makes Toe Juice effective. Things like lemon peel oil, willow bark extract, and cinnamonum extract… have been nature’s solution in many cultures for centuries to exfoliate damaged skin cells, rejuvenate healthy cell reproduction, and eliminate fungal, bacterial, and viral contaminants. DermaVine penetrates quickly and works safely at helping the skin return to natural health. DermaVine provides the following benefits for the skin:
Exfoliation – rapid sloughing off of dead, damaged skin cells
Regeneration – the reproduction of new skin cells is accelerated
Increased blood flow to the area of application
Analgesic – relief from pain

Toe Juice w/ DermaVine is safe for pregnant or nursing women, newborns, and diabetics.
Alcohol is an important part of the delivery system. It helps the cells to open (or dilate) and increases the blood flow and absorption capacity of the cells. This helps increase the immediate absorption of the Dermavine. The alcohol also allows us to deliver the formula in a liquid state, but have it absorbed quickly. In addition it sterilizes and disinfects. In the case of high moisture problems (fungal, bacterial, oily skin) the alcohol removes excess moisture that causes the condition to worsen. Once the alcohol has played these important and valuable roles, which happens almost instantly upon application, it simply dissipates with no negative effects.

Toe Juice w/ DermaVine can be applied as often as necessary. We recommend morning and evening as these are easy routines. The more often applied, the more quickly results will be seen. Because body types and chemistries are different, results vary.

We encourage applying Toe Juice w/ DermaVine consistently for 10-14 days for relief of most skin ailments and daily consistent use for overall ongoing skin health benefits.

Some people have expressed that their skin becomes flakier at first, but this will subside with continued use. The DermaVine naturally exfoliates and sloughs damaged skin cells. Improvement should be seen in just a few days

You can get it here:

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